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    Sustainable Brand Index™ is European's largest brand study focusing on sustainability. Based on 60. 000 consumer interviews, the study maps out and analyzes the areas of sustainability, branding and communication from the consumer perspective. As of 2017, the study is also performed in the Netherlands.

    Sustainable Brand Index™ consists of the following parts:

    • A. Evaluation and Ranking of over 900 Brands from the Sustainability Perspective
    • B. Mapping of the Sustainable Consumer Behavior
    • C. Developments and Trends within Sustainability

    The study was founded in 2011 and is now carried out annually in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands


    The purpose of Sustainable Brand Index™ is to highlight the value of sustainable branding and raise awareness about it. By motivating and inspiring we help companies to improve their work and dare to communicate. Sustainable Brand Index™ gives companies tools to drive the sustainability work forward through branding and communication.