Ziner (iPad)

Ziner is a Feedly client. It has a Flipboard-esque interface, but has a customizable share screen and a variety of reader modes. The interface isn't too different from the default Feedly app, but it has some nice gesture touches. You can swipe up to bring up the share menus, swipe down to go back to the article list, or you can move between folders and feed lists in the menu with the same gestures. For someone who does a lot of scanning for interesting articles, it includes the read on scroll feature.

RSS readers are mostly about personal choice. If you're not too discerning, the default app for your sync service of choice is fine. Productivity users are going to like Mr. Reader's customizeability. Design wonks are going to like Reeder's clean interface. Those looking for something more traditional are going to like magazine-like interfaces like Flipboard. Ziner incorporated a little bit of all these designs to make something different, but it's likely missing that killer feature in their current reader of choice. If you're still looking for a reader, give Ziner a try.

What's Good: Good Interface, variety of options.

What Sucks: Doesn't do anything very well, missing some key sharing features.

Buy it?: If you're still in the market for a RSS reader give Ziner a try. It's $2.99 in the App Store.