If you travel a lot, you always wonder what you're expected to tip when you visit a different country. The iPhone is full of Tip calculators of various stripes, but I always though that was a waste of bytes. Instead, you can just bury this bookmark in Safari and when you need it pull it up (but bookmark it in your home country). That way, you can just tabulate everything on one page' including how to split the bill if necessary.
TipThisMuch.In loads really quickly, as do the changes to the tip percentage and number of splits. It just comes down to if you'd rather save yourself some storage and just keep the web app on your home screen. TipThisMuch.In is a nice utility, and the interface is actually more streamlined than most of the native apps. It is missing some countries, so you should check to see if your destination is supported.
What's Good: Easy to use, gives information on a lot of destinations.
What Sucks: Missing some countries.
Buy it?: If you travel a lot or just want a web app for a quick tip calculator, get TipThisMuch.In. Check out the free web app.