HabitRPG (Universal, Web)

What if your to-do list was a game? Would you make sure that you remembered to take out the trash if came with precious, precious XP? What if washing the car got you some gold to purchase an upgraded shield? If that excites you, then you already get the premise of HabitRPG.

With HabitRPG, you set up your habits as things you want to track "positive" and "negative" progress on, as weekly or daily tasks, or as a generic to-do list. After that, you customize your character and get to work.

There isn't much you can do other than just improve your character. The web app has a decent tutorial from the outset, but if you download the iOS app, you might be a bit lost at first. I think it would be nice if you could use the XP and equipment to actually do something RPG-like, but like CARROT, a lot of the "game" here is passive. Still, it's not a bad themed to-do list.

What's Good: Combines several types of to-do lists to track your progress.

What Sucks: Not much game beyond equipment management.

Buy it?: If you're looking to gamify your motivation, check out HabitRPG. Check it out for free on the App Store or its website.