The Account Management Process

This is the complete sales process:

  1. Sales Handover Meeting
  2. Copy deal to the "Accounts" section in Pipedrive
  3. Create a Client Folder in Google Docs
    1. Copy the Professional Services Template to the new folder
  4. Create a copy of the project plan template in Asana
  5. Setup a meeting with Josh (the content team) to confirm delivery dates
  6. Schedule a Kick-off meeting with the client
    If it is a large contract or issues with dates or deliverables, you may need to include the salesperson and the editor-in-chief in the discussion.
    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Explain the process
    3. Request client information (provide survey question if there is a content audit, ask for site assets if necessary, etc...)
    4. Answer any questions.
  7. Send Initial invoice
  8. Setup weekly meeting

Send weekly progress updates and talk to client at least once per week. Setting up a weekly call after the kickoff meeting is advised.

At the end of the project:

  1. Send final invoice
  2. Pay writers
  3. Schedule a "post-mortem" (final) project review with all stakeholders (excluding the client) to determine lessons learned and what can be improved.

Finally, follow-up with the contact at least once per month to see if there are new opportunities.