This is the complete sales process:
- Sales Handover Meeting
- Copy deal to the "Accounts" section in Pipedrive
- Create a Client Folder in Google Docs
- Copy the Professional Services Template to the new
- Create a copy of the project plan template in Asana
- Setup a meeting with Josh (the content team) to confirm
delivery dates
- Schedule a Kick-off meeting with the client
If it is a large contract or issues with dates or deliverables, you
may need to include the salesperson and the editor-in-chief in the
- Introduce yourself
- Explain the process
- Request client information (provide survey question if there is
a content audit, ask for site assets if necessary, etc...)
- Answer any questions.
- Send Initial invoice
- Setup weekly meeting
Send weekly progress updates and talk to client at least once
per week. Setting up a weekly call after the kickoff meeting is
At the end of the project:
- Send final invoice
- Pay writers
- Schedule a "post-mortem" (final) project review with all
stakeholders (excluding the client) to determine lessons learned
and what can be improved.
Finally, follow-up with the contact at least once per month to
see if there are new opportunities.