Guides Homepage / Landing

Concept: Assuming the person visiting the page knows very little about our product, the intention is to create an "impression" and an "invitation bridge" to give them an opportunity to move from where they may be, to where we are = the start of their guides journey.

  • Impression: This is a collaborative "work in progress". It isn't a "finished product" where they are the consumer, they are joining the project as a contributor.
  • Invitation Bridge: If you are struggling with some of the things we're struggling with and feel energy to join...

Copy ideas:

H1: The Guides Project
Description 1: The Guides project aims to help us navigate and adapt to a changing world by capturing and evolving new pathways forward.
Description 2
: The Guides project provides connected spaces to help people and organizations navigate a rapidly changing, complex world.


Idea... what if we opened with a question? Something like...

How do we navigate and adapt to a changing world?

By opening with a question, we could take them down a path with the obvious next questions, or ideas, that could include the concepts of: exploration; a different kind of space; evolving guides...


Copy Ideas:

Guides is an invitation to explore uncharted territory

Guides is an invitation to explore new pathways

Guides provide a way to explore uncharted territory

Shared, connected spaces
A place to capture and process our tensions - the gap between how it is and how it could be…

New age collaborative tools
Journalling, campfires, and gratitude….

Guides to help us on our journeys
A place to capture our learning and pathways ahead…