How Guides Works

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Guides is a great solution for creating, accessing, and discovering knowledge and is easy to get started.

For Creating & Publishing
Creating a new report, instruction manual, webinar, or eBook? By creating it on Guides you can develop your content in a more modular format -- which makes it easier to both create and consume -- and then share individual or whole modules with your team, partners, or the world. You can publish the guides on your website, through a private portal, or enable others to publish on their websites. However you decide to share your knowledge, Guides provides detailed real-time analytics on who is accessing your content (individuals and organizations) including which pages have the highest number of visitors and engagement. And with one-click editing and updating, when you make a change, it changes everywhere, no matter where your guide is published.

For Groups, Organizations, & Individuals
Build a customizable library of guides on every topic - from digital marketing to emerging health practices by subscribing to guides from the network alongside your own customized content. Curate and organize your library through custom channels that you can share privately or with others, and receive recommendations on new guides, people, and organizations to connect with.