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We are seeking a $3.5M investment that will be repaid through a revenue sharing model with a bonus based on time to repay:

2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years
Repayment 120% 130% 140% 150% 160% 170%
IRR 9.54% 9.14% 8.78% 8.45% 8.15% 7.88%

Once repaid, Guides will continue to pay investors 10% of their initial investment amount every year perpetually, creating an endowment for your fund. This results in a total IRR of over 15.5%.

Use of Funds

The funding will be used to create and grow network effects by rewarding growth initiatives of our users - specifically for creating popular (high-growth) guides, promoting the platform, and referring paid users. We are seeking $3.5M in funding because we anticipate a negative cash-flow of $2.8M as a result of these activities before our revenue becomes greater than our expenses.

Risk Mitigation

The forecasted expenses (our "burn rate") is tied to network growth, not timing: We only spend money when we grow, which in turn, increases our revenue. Therefore we can be extremely capital efficient and only spend money that results in increased sustained revenue.