The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, creating immense challenges for individuals, organizations, industries, and society.
AI, increasing computing power, and a globally interconnected landscape have unleashed a flood of new information and tools, making it difficult to navigate the shifting landscape. From managing education and wellness to integrating new technologies and complex supply chains, informed decision-making is becoming increasingly unmanageable at home and work.
Rapid technological progress is outpacing traditional education, leaving professionals unprepared for evolving demands, widening skill and knowledge gaps across industries.
From personalized news feeds to the overwhelming volume of daily information, growing information asymmetry is hindering communication and coordination, disrupting our capacity for effective collective action. Furthermore, organizations are struggling with top-down approaches to change, often facing resistance and achieving limited success in widespread transformation.
While technology holds great promise, current AI and digital platforms are not providing sufficient transparency on how they operate, their sources of information, and have a history of prioritizing engagement and data collection over user achievement, well-being, and privacy-eroding trust and potentially harming social cohesion.
A new approach to learning and development is urgently needed-one that prioritizes individuals, organizations, privacy, well-being, and coordinated action.