Locating Indoor Units

Indoor airside equipment includes the air handler section and, in some cases, a compressor section. All indoor units should be located in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, with consideration given to the following items:

  • According to the type of equipment that can be located in the basement, attic, equipment room, or in a closet.
  • Where manufacturer's literature does not provide clearance recommendations, ensure enough clearance based on site and system type. For example, the following minimum distances from obstructions should be maintained in case of mini-split systems:
    • 40-150 mm minimum above and 150 mm minimum on either side of a wall mounted unit
    • 2.0 m minimum (measured to the bottom of the unit) above floor for a high wall or ceiling-mounted unit
    • 50 mm minimum to each side for a floor console (Exhibit 21)
  • Direct airflow to the coldest point in the room (but not towards a window).
  • Ensure adequate clearances for making all connections and future servicing of the unit.
  • Ensure that a clear airflow path is maintained.
  • Minimize refrigerant pipe run lengths and bends (each 90° bend causes approximately 1% reduction of heating/cooling capacity).
  • Ensure that the any condensate drainage piping can drain to outside without the need for a condensate pump.
  • If ventilation is required, the unit must be located so that outdoor air and exhaust air can be ducted to and from the unit.

Do Not Locate Indoor Units:

  • In a tight corner or space.
  • Behind a grille.
  • Where they direct air to a primary source of heat gain or loss, such as windows, or onto seating locations or electronic equipment.
  • Where there may be any steam (e.g. kitchen or bathrooms with showers).
  • Near an automatic insect repellent dispenser.
  • Above or close to any heat source, including electrical appliances, which could affect the performance or act as an ignition point.