Interior Trim

The trim elements inside a building provide aesthetic character and architectural style.


Traditional interior trim before the 20th century was used generously to reflect the architectural character of the building and to add layers of decoration and transition to horizontal and vertical surfaces. Most trim styles are based on Classical Orders of Architecture.

TYPES and LOCATIONS of Interior Trim:

  1. At floor and wall intersection: Baseboard w/ shoe mold or quarter round, plinth blocks,
  2. Wall surface: Chair rail, wainscot panels and tongue-in-groove, pilasters, corner moldings
  3. Windows: Casing, back band, sill /stool and apron, head mold or cap / crown (entablature), embrasure (inset for windows in thick walls), panels, jamb extensions
  4. Doors: Casing, back band, plinth blocks, panel doors, head mold or cap /crown, jamb extensions, threshold.
  5. Wall and Ceiling intersection: Crown molding, pilaster capitols, entablature
  6. Ceiling: Coffered beams, pressed tin panels, medallions

The diagrams below provide a visual of the various types of interior trim and their install locations: