What is a "Deep Energy Retrofit"?


According to Natural Resources Canada, there are three types of retrofits that can be done to existing buildings:

  • Minor Energy Retrofit;
  • Major Energy Retrofit; and...
  • Deep Energy Retrofit.

A "Deep Energy Retrofit" may involve the following improvements and changes:

  • Significantly improved energy efficiency, once a current or baseline energy use is defined for the building;
  • A whole building approach that involves building envelope, energy consumption, heating and cooling, ventilation and occupant comfort. This will include something called an 'energy modelling';
  • Increased air tightness to below 1 ACH (air change per hour) with the addition of mechanical ventilation (HRV or ERV);
  • Increased and continuous insulation around the entire building;
  • Replacement high efficiency windows and doors;
  • Performance check or 'commissioning' of the building and its systems at close of construction or after the retrofit.