What is "Integrated Design"?


To maximize the potential for energy efficiency, the planning process of a deep energy retrofit needs input from many sources. An 'integrated design' session creates this opportunity.

Photo by Christina@wocintechchat.com, from Unsplash.com

An integrated design process may include one or more sessions where the following will happen:

  • Participation will include designers, trades people, systems experts and energy advisors, to get many skilled minds working together toward the best solutions;
  • A facilitator will lead the meeting and establish goals for the group. A target goal for the integrated design may be to create a design that will achieve a certification, like Net Zero Energy for example;
  • Sketches and preliminary plans for the building will be marked up with notes for changes or improvements - these notes will be used to realize the final design;
  • An energy modeller may be a part of the meeting, to input design details into modelling software and provide a preliminary energy audit.

The front loaded planning process with energy modelling and integrated design may create a more succinct plan for a construction or renovation project, leaving fewer questions to answer once the physical work is underway.

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