According to our database, 82% of merchants who use at least two Beeketing apps - both free & premium apps - earned extra revenue.
However, only 39% of them earned over $10K every month.
This number can't guarantee that you'll get great money with Beeketing, but given Beeketing's growing generated sales and the absolute numbers of money our apps generated for merchants, it's reasonable to believe that you'll earn more money than you actually do now.
The number of sales generated from Beeketing is growing over time
Here're some highlighting numbers we've found when digging into our database of the most successful merchants (who earn at least 10K extra revenue each month):
Checkout Boost generates $3.5mil extra revenue for merchants each month
These numbers above reveal an interesting fact that you can use Beeketing for several years or just a few months, create one offer or several offers. It doesn't matter.
The thing that matters is the number of qualified traffic you get & how you use these apps right to convert those traffic and maximize sales from them.
It brings us to the next point:
To be continued...