Handling Common Problems 

Equipment failure - Check your laptop battery and charge it if necessary. Be sure you can plug in your laptop when you get there.

Aggressive questioner - Sometimes you encounter someone who is hostile or has a competing agenda. Instead of trying to learn, this person wants to undermine you, your organization, or your point of view. Lenny Laskowski of LJL Seminars offers some tips for dealing with difficult people and their difficult questions:

  1. Prepare for likely questions before the speech.
  2. Keep your answer short, if the question is a simple one.
  3. Don't point or put your hands on your hips when you respond.
  4. Wrap up the Q&A session with a concise restatement of your main point.
  5. Answer directly, speaking to the person.

Mr. Laskowski advises speakers to listen carefully and repeat the question. This is a good idea in general, not just if the questioner seems hostile.

Lost your place or forgot something - It happens. Usually, you can just pause to check your notes, or skip to the next point. If you remember what you meant to say later, just add that material to your conclusion.