Explain the process of going from multiple assumptions developed
individually to an agreed set of "top three riskiest assumptions"
for each section of the business model canvas on the wall:
- Individually: you will do 3-5 minute sprints of assumption
generation for each section, generating as many potential assumptions as possible (write these onto the
post it notes)
- Transfer all post it notes to the wall - preferably in a
"holding area" next to the canvas itself
- Discuss each assumption, letting the person that wrote it out
initially, to describe their idea and how it relates to or differs
from the other ideas they see on the wall
- The business idea owner (you) should absolutely NOT (not
under any circumstances) try to defend your idea or suggest you
already have this or that assumption covered. Partly because we
want to ensure the volunteers that are helping you with this
exercise don't feel constrained on their ability to contribute, and
partly as is often the case, you may not actually have it covered,
even if your first gut reaction is that you have an assumption
- Where ideas essentially mean the same thing, put the post it
notes on top of each other.
- If necessary rewrite the message on a post it note to make it
clearer or collate similar points.
- Don't be afraid of throwing away post it notes that become
redundant through this discussion.
- You will probably have too many post it notes and now need to
prioritize these down to 3 main "risky assumptions" for each
section of the canvas, and when you're down to 3 riskiest
assumptions, you can then repeat this exercise for the next section
of the canvas.
- If you're uncertain how to reduce down to the 3 "riskiest
assumptions" then make a two by two matrix, where the:
- horizontal axis is from Low (left) to High (right) uncertainty
of that assumption. (Think of a high uncertainty as high
probability that your assumption is wrong)
- vertical axis represents Low (bottom) to High (top) Impact if
that assumptions was to be wrong (i.e. if your assumption is wrong
how much will it impact your business or the value of the business
you hope to build.