Market Opportunity Analysis

How potentially large is the opportunity of pursuing your startup idea? After you've identified the customer and market needs and solidified a potential solution to the problem, you then need to address other aspects for your business to grow.

You now want to figure out the size of the market, look at potential competitors and growth potential. Let's break them down into 3 categories:

Total Available Market: Think of this as a pie. How many people want or need your product? How large is the market in dollars or units if all the people who need your product would buy from you? Don't just focus on numbers, figure out specifics about who the users are, who the competitors are?

Served Market Availability: This is when you want to figure out what your slice of the market is. If you're developing and Android app for example, exactly how many users are there on that platform? And if your charging $5 or $.99 how many of them would buy?

Target Market: Then you'll break down that segment to reach your target market. Who will you be selling to in years 1,3, and 5? How many customers is that?

Here is an example of how simply this can be presented: