Where is your e-learning platform going to be based?

The next thing to think about is how to make your e-learning course accessible to the audience. The easiest and most convenient way to manage the training process and your e-learning online is by using a digital e-learning platform.

Many businesses need a website, but when it comes to creating one, the big question is cost. It can be very expensive to recruit and pay for an in-house web development team. Therefore, outsourcing web design and website development to a third party can be an attractive and cost-effective solution.

The cost of website outsourcing usually depends on 3 different factors that affect the way a designer or programmer works:

  • the complexity of the design
  • website functionality
  • total number of pages on the site
  • illustrations

You can learn more about how website costs form in our article or try to estimate the cost by yourself with the help of our project cost calculator.