Now that we know exactly what your topic is, and exactly who will be reading your Guide, you should begin examining the desired outcome for your intended audience. Knowing when, and why someone will be reading your content is an important step in determining what the desired outcome might be for your readers.
If, for instance, you plan on creating a Guide on losing weight, and restoring the 6-pack most of us dream about, then the outcome you're probably looking for your readers to end up well-equipped to get a six-pack in an efficient and healthy manner.
Or, if you're writing a Guide on seeing Thailand in 72 hours, then the outcome you'd like is for your readers to be able to make quick, informed decisions to get the most out of their trip based on your recommendations while in Thailand.
In both cases, knowing what your readers are hoping to accomplish by reading your Guide will help you to determine what information to include in the guide.
Distilling content is about deconstructing complex topics, and providing the simplest, most essential information directly to a reader. To do that, you need to know what your readers want to get out of your guide.
Here are some questions you should be asking yourself to determine the desired outcome for your Guide: