The first step of the triaging process involves determining exactly how your content should be displayed to readers. Does the content you've compiled in the selection stage fit better in a linear, step-by-step format, or can the information be chunked up, and re-arranged in a variety of non-linear ways?
Asking those two questions will help determine no only the order of the content presented to readers, but the tone, and voice the content should have while you're writing.
For instance, if you're about to provide a step-by-step set of instructions for brewing beer at home, you'll want to write it in an active voice, with clearly defined steps (or actions) as titles for the content. The information will have to be presented in an optimal linear fashion.
If, however, you decide to write a guide to the best breweries in eastern-Ontario, the order of the information may not be as vital as a step-by-step, linear Guide.
Once you've decided which format works best for your content, it's time to move on to re-ordering your content.