Steps To Take

1. Go to //
2. Download Hazel by clicking on Download it now.

3. Click on Agree.

4. Click on the +

5. Click on Macintosh HD
6. Click on Users
7. Click on Shared
8. Click on Daylite Server Backups or Billings Pro backups
9. Click on Open

10. Double click on the Hazel.prefPane

11. Click on +

12. Enter the name of the script as you see above.
13. Change to "Date Created".
14. Change to "is not in the last".
15. Enter 5.
16. Change to "Trash".
17. Click on OK.

18. Click on the Trash tab.
19. Click on the check.
20. Enter the date you feel comfortable with.
21. Click the check.
22. Keep it under 1% of your hard drive.
23. Decide what to do with oversized files.
24. Decide how you want the files deleted.
25. Check Enable App Sweep.

26. Click on the info tab.
27. Click on Start Hazel.
28. Click on Show Hazel in the menu bar.
29. Leave the update to be checked weekly.
30. Purchase the application so you don't have to remember to come back and do it 30 days later.