How To Set Up A Mozy Pro Account

1. Go to Mozy's site and signup

2. Click on Sign Up.

3. Enter your name.
4. Enter your email.
5. Enter a password for your Mozy account and confirm it.
6. Choose My Business.
7. Click Continue.

8. Enter your company name.
9. Select your industry.
10. Choose the number of Employees.
11. Enter your Phone number.
12. Select where you heard about Mozy.
13. Call or email me for a promo code or stay tuned to my newsletters.
14. Click Continue.

15. Enter 1 Server.
16. Enter a minimum of 2Gb and just according to your company size. You can always add more later.
17. Select your billing option.
18. Click Continue.

19. Enter your credit card information.
20. Click Continue.