Understanding Keywords In Search Context

Taking this even a step further, you can begin to understand keywords as they relate to search context. Where even something as simple as word order can play a crucial role when defining the meaning behind the query and ensuring you are selecting the right keywords to target.

A potential e-commerce SEO example, might include looking at the following keywords and how they change the intent of the searcher:

  • buy [product] - okay this one is obvious, you likely already target this type of phrase.
  • [product] online - suggests searcher is looking for an outlet selling the product online, rather than just information.
  • [product] [size] - specifics are good - if a searcher is looking for a size, it suggests they're closer to buying.
  • [product] free shipping - specifying shipping costs suggests a searcher is looking to purchase.

These types of keywords will be a lot less competitive than [product] type keywords, and come with the added advantage of generally leading to a more qualified visit.