Now you're faced with the task of either individually sorting and cleaning up all of these files or copying and pasting all of this data into one sheet, again, that's not convenient .
So I built a small windows desktop app to do precisely this, I call it the keyword combiner, and you can download it for free.
When you get there simply enter your email address, and set the price to '0′ and voila, all yours.
It's simple, but this is what the keyword combiner does:
I've tried to make this as simple as possible. Once installed click the 'Run' button on the pop-up window prompt and the keyword combiner should pop up on your screen:
It is worth noting that I have been having some issue with the window re-sizing across different versions of Windows; if it renders short of full-width, just re-size it.
Now you want to make sure all of your .CSV files are in the same directory (folder), and that there is nothing else in there.
Click the top 'Select' button and choose your directory.
Next click the bottom 'Select' button and choose where you want to save the file and give it a name.
As is the case with the default exports from Google keyword tool, your first rows will all be headers, so make sure you select the checkbox for "First Line is Header."
Optionally: If you have data sets that are tab delineated versus CSV (which stands for comma separated values) you can also use this tool, just select the "Custom Delineator" checkbox and enter "\t" into the text field on the right.
Now you're ready to Run. Click the button and watch the green progress bar shoot across the bottom of the window - I've run upwards of 100 files and it has never taken more than 5 seconds.
Again, this is a super-simple tool - but very useful if you do a lot of keyword research with Google's keyword tool or across multiple sheets and files, helping you quickly combine your mess of files into one clean file.
This makes it far more manageable to go through the motions of sorting, filtering, and de-duping all of your keywords so you can begin to gather the rest of your data; DA, PA, # of links, LRD's, etc.