Food Politics

The "politics of food" incites powerful emotional responses in people, largely because so much of our identity as humans comes from what we choose to eat.

There are of course a million and one competing theories about organic vs non-organic foods, whether or not humans are naturally carnivore/vegetarian/vegan/omnivore or some mix of those, and whether what we eat should be determined by our DNA.

I'm by no means an expert in all of this, and I won't in this short guide try to convince of you of my politics--although if you let me, I could talk your ear off for hours about the superpowers of kale and kombucha, and why everyone should grow their own vegetables and have a chicken coop in their backyard.

What I will do in this guide is share a couple of thought-provoking Ted talks with you that centre around food and health and environment, which hopefully will encourage productive dialogue and make you think twice about the food choices you make in your daily life.

To start us off: not a new talk, but a great one from Mark Bittman, one of my personal heroes.

Here's a good one about the cost of eating organic:

And one from another of my personal heroes, Jamie Oliver.

Feel free to chime in using the comments section to the right, I'll be adding more videos soon.