All Purpose Cleaner

The most basic all-purpose cleaner is a simple solution of one cup white vinegar for every one gallon of water. To add a nice citrus scent to your cleaner, make your vinegar solution, pour it into a large mason jar, then add only the peel of one or tow lemons or oranges. Let the solution sit for about ten days, remove the peels and pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Here's alternative solution: combine 1/2 tsp washing soda, a little liquid soap (like this one), and 2 cups of hot tap water in a spray bottle; shake until dissolved; spray; and wipe with a clean towel.

Another option: Pour ¼ to a ½ cup white vinegar in a spray bottle and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Put in a few drops of your chosen essential oil and then fill the bottle to the top with water. Give it a good shake and let it settle before using.

Alternatively, you may want to purchase a cleaner. I love Dr. Bronner all-natural castille soap for an all-purpose cleaner and use it throughout my house. Here's a great cheat sheet that explains how to dilute Dr. Bronner soaps for all your household and body care needs.


Dr. Bronner's All Natural Castille Soaps