The Word, "Pest"...

While gardening, you may run into some critters and bacteria eating or damaging your plants. Every aspect of nature has a natural balance.


Integrated Pest Management is the philosophy of thinking of your garden as its own ecosystem. Improve soil health so it can resist disease and fungal infections. Identify problems so they can be treated correctly. You want neighboring plants like dandelions and other flowers to attract bees, butterflies and friendly predators. For example, if you have aphids on your roses, introduce ladybugs. They eat aphids and other pests and are one of the few insects guaranteed to make you happy if they land on you.


Organic, botanical oils like neem or mint oil can be sprayed on plants as a preventative measure. Insecticidal soaps are also available if your garden is on red alert. Always apply according to instructions so you don't damage your plants further.


If a plant becomes overly infected or damaged, it's best to remove it from your property so the problem doesn't spread.


Rotating your vegetable crops every year helps prevent disease.


Avoid heavy watering of foliage to ward off fungal disease. Better to water with at least a few hours of sun left, to give leaves and stem time to dry.

Slugs Love Beer! (and Grapefruit)

If you've a slug issue, get a container (like a butter tub or small bucket) and fill with an inch of beer. Slugs will dive right in and kick the bucket. Also, putting used grapefruit rinds (halves) upside down in the garden also works. The slugs will slime their way in thinking they have found a hut made of food. Collect and dispose.

Aphid Additional

1a) Aphids rarely climb back up a rose bush if dislodged, so spraying them off with a garden hose every 3-4 days is effective.

1b) Growing jalapenos isn't just good for poppers; they are also good for aphid control. Blend them, strain the liquid through a cheese cloth, put in a spray bottle, and apply! DO NOT TOUCH EYES before washing your hands thoroughly after handling hot peppers! It's a good idea to wear gloves too!

Getting Skeeters to Scoot!

This article details some natural, organic methods to rid your space of mosquitoes:

(Link Coming Soon)

* originally published in Healthy Organic Woman Magazine

Marigold 'Round the Mulberry Bush

Marigolds are just the best! They smell amazing to us and horrible to bugs! See how this funky garden design from France uses marigolds all around the edges? M for Marigold!