Big Growing

flower in rocks.JPG
A Flower Grows in Iceland

If you started your seeds indoors or obtained plant starts, they need to be transferred to a larger growing space. To do this, prepare the area in which you want to grow by digging a hole about the size of the start container. Don't throw away the excess dirt/mix!

Then remove the start from the container, being careful to keep the dirt in shape, by squeezing the pot lightly in order to loosen the plant from the sides of the container. Transfer the whole bundle into the prepared hole and use the excess dirt to fill in any remaining gaps. The idea is to anchor the plant firmly in the dirt without packing it so tight that the roots will have trouble growing. Filling in the hole and gently patting the soil surface should do the trick. The exposed base of the stem should be slightly above the soil surface for watering purposes. The roots will do the rest.

If you have sown seeds together following instructions from a packet, the sprouts will need to be separated and replanted at some point. The general rule here is to handle the delicate shoots with care, being careful not to tear the roots. This can be a slight shock to most sprouts but if you wait the allotted time to separate and replant, your starts will recover just fine.