Exploding Some Myths

There's a lot of false information circulating around fat loss and bringing out the abs. Let's do a little myth busting . . .

Myth No.1: You need to do high rep crunches to get a 6 pack

The Truth: The key to bringing out your abs is getting rid of the fat that is covering them. That requires cardio and full body weight training. Crunches will make your abs stronger and firmer - but you still won't be able to see them.

Myth No.2: Sit Ups are great ab developers

The Truth: Sit ups are an antiquated exercise that has no place in your program. They will cause undue stress to your lower spine, which is where most of the effort will come. Especially bad are sit ups with anchored feet.

Myth No.3: You need to work your abs every day

Abs are like any other body part - they need rest and recuperation. Working them every day will lead to over training. So, give yourself a full days break between ab workouts.

Myth No.4: Abs don't need specific training

Some people believe that the abs receive enough stimulation from working the rest of the body. While you could get away with decent looking abs if you're diet, weight and cardio training are all on point, I'm betting that you don't want to settle for decent. Awesome abs require that you specifically train them. That means that the intercostals, obliques, upper and lower abs all need direct stimulation