This Is Why You (maybe) Got Denied From BizSpark

Here's just a few reasons why you may get/got denied from the BizSpark program:

Vague Website or no website at all

Your website is one of the primary ways the BizSpark team validates your startup. If it's not clear what you do and what you are building, you will likely get denied

No company email

So you have a great looking website that clearly tells the story of what you do, but yet you register your company email address with a Hotmail/Outlook/Gmail account. Although that by itself is not a sign that you are doing something shady or anything, but it does raise an eyebrow.

Unclear description

As part of the application process for BizSpark you have to submit a description of your startup. So maybe your website isn't perfect, or you aren't yet ready to "open the kimono" publicly. Well now is your chance to really tell the folks at BizSpark what you do! You have 2500 characters, and I suggest you use them wisely.

Not meeting the requirements

You qualify for BizSpark if you are a startup that is

  • Developing technology, software or apps
  • Less than 5 years old
  • Privately held
  • Making less than one million annually