An Introduction To Life Insurance

This is your guide to becoming a satisfied life insurance shopper.

I will teach you the importance of prequalification and how to direct that process so it works in your favor.

I will instruct you on how to select the quarterback of that process - your broker.

I'll illustrate the problems you will have if your quarterback performs poorly; and at the same time, I'll illustrate the benefits you can expect when your quarterback throws the ball for a touchdown!

Once you complete this guide - and once you select the right broker - you will be in the driver's seat.

You'll feel comfortable going through prequalification.

You'll go through underwriting with confidence.

You'll find the experience of shopping for life insurance to be most satisfying.

(Some clients have even claimed they found it to enjoyable!)

The inspiration for this guide came from the frustration I've seen so many consumers feel when shopping for life insurance.

Far too often people apply for coverage "on the hope and the prayer" that they'll be accepted at all, let alone at the rate quoted.

The answer to this problem is prequalification - so that the company, product, and price are all determined before a formal application is even submitted.