Launch A Single Use Product Or Service To Start

Create and Sell a Singular-Use Product or Service centered on your secret sauce.

Simplify your business idea, product or service down to a singular-use.

The most popular products, services and startups today are being built around singular consumer, needs, wants, uses or utilities and the core use can be described in less than one sentence.

SnapChat - Self-destructing digital pictures.

Vine - 6 second animated video.

HotelTonight - hotel rooms for tonight only.

Apruve - PayPal for business spending.

Fantrotter - Travel Fan Page App - Get more fans to your shows.

AirBnB- Discounted lodging in people's homes.

Fiverr - Tasks for $5.

Thumb - Opinions for people.

Clarity - Online Consulting.

Kaggle - Connect with a data scientist.

Sift Science - Alerts you instantly to fraudulent activity on your website.

Codiqa - Build a mobile app with no coding required.

Skillshare - Learn real skills from teachers.

Munchery - Prepared dinners from local chefs delivered to your door.

ShopWell- A personal nutrition expert.

Libboo - Help authors get discovered.