Take Naps

Cvijetic is a big believer in naps.

I've never been a big napper, in fact I'm not a big "sleeper" to be honest, but I have committed to giving this a try over the next few weeks.

Here's what Cvijetic recommends:

"After you finish a big chunk of work, you energy will typically drop.
If it happens to you, simply find a corner of the office or your home where it's quiet. Just close your eyes. You don't actually need to fall asleep, but let your body relax."

Obviously, not everyone has the ability to take power naps in the middle of the work day, but if you can find a way to make this work for your schedule, give it a try. (And let me know how you did it! ) I have the luxury of working from home most days, so I'm going to give this a shot and report back once I've tested his ideas over the net few weeks.

Cvijetic is definitely not the first or only productivity expert to recommend taking naps to up your productivity levels. Check out this popular TED talk from Ariana Huffington that discusses the importance of sleep.

Dharmesh Shah founder of Hubspot, also swears by naps. (Read about it here). And here's even more evidence of why napping is good for your productivity levels.