You should now have lots of ideas on what sorts of automated campaigns you might be able to send but one practical campaign you can definitely take away from this course is an educational email campaign. This sort of campaign is all about editorial content and will work not matter your industry.
It is designed to convert subscribers into paying customers. The basic structure is a series of 5-8 emails over 30 days.
You will want to consider a setup like the following:
The great thing about this sort of campaign is that you automate it and tie it to a range of subscriber groups:
…and so on. It's the perfect automated campaign to start with to augment your newsletters and it's easy to setup if you follow the steps above. The trick, however, is knowing what to write inside each email! In the next section we'll dive into how to write content that matters, how to craft calls to action that work and how to pack a punch in your subject lines.
To wrap up this section, here is a taste of WPEngine's educational email course.
They're a Wordpress hosting company and this landing page adds customers straight to their automated education email course. It's extremely powerful and focuses on educating users on configuring Wordpress ofr speed. The net result is a series of emails that truly explain the problem WPEngine solves and, ultimately, sells their product: all without harsh, direct offers.
That's email marketing 2.0! I'd recommend signing up for their course and learning how it all fits together.