Squeeze pages are designed to be used for freebies and giveaways. Squeeze pages essentially capture your web visitor's information (name and e-mail address usually) in exchange for a download of the product. These are useful when it comes to marketing your information products because it provides to you a captive audience of people who are interested in the topic you are selling.
Squeeze pages aren't set up to sell anything. On the contrary, they exist only to provide someone with something in exchange for their information. Squeeze pages are used to direct potential buyers to your sales page by incentivizing them first. Here is an example:
(Yes, this is a real life example!)
So, if you aren't familiar with squeeze / sales pages, you might be wondering why you would do this. The goal here is to take the website visitor, who might be a little timid to just buy something out of the blue, and get them on your mailing list so that you can send targeted e-mails to that particular visitor.
If you do not collect names and e-mail addresses in the process, you have zero way of actually capturing a particular website visitor. If they land on your sales page and aren't completely sold and they leave, you've lost a sale - more than likely forever.
Setting up squeeze pages that funnel visitors to your sales page gives you the opportunity to send follow-up e-mails to that person that allows them to get a little bit more comfortable with you, the content and the product. Eventually, that person might purchase your product / service.