How Do You Know If Meditation Is Working?

In the beginning you were told about the benefits that come with a long-term meditation practice. After a while you may begin to notice some of these things. Some of the benefits of meditation are quite subtle, so how do you know if what you are doing is working?

Here are some simple questions you could ask yourself after about 4 weeks of practicing meditation. Then, you could ask them every few weeks to continue to track your progress.

Are other people commenting on changes in your behaviour? Ask around. You are in your head all day, others will notice changes in you that you yourself may not have.

Are you better at concentration than you used to be? With a regular meditation practice you should find that throughout your days you are better able to concentrate on daily tasks.

Are you noticing any changes in your posture? Muscle tension is a cause of poor posture and the pains associated with it. Regular meditation can relax the muscles and help restore posture.

Are you noticing more of the beauty in the world? You may find that you have become much more aware of the small things in life and find yourself appreciating them more. This is definitely a side effect of meditation.

Are you more aware of your actions towards others? You may not always be able to control your temper and that is ok, you are a work in progress. But hopefully you will at least be more aware of those times when you do.

What behaviors have you become aware of that you want to change about yourself? As we meditate we become more aware of the behaviors that can hold us back in certain areas of life.

Do your meditations seem to go by quicker, even when they are longer? When we truly enjoy something, time can fly by in a moment. This is the reason that the most seasoned of meditators are able to sit for hours in meditation.