Choosing A Guru

In the western world gurus have received a bit of a bad rap in recent years. Some of them seem to let the power get to them. Still, there are many genuine gurus out there who will never show up in the news, who could probably help you out a lot.

Here are some steps you could take to begin finding the best guide on your spiritual journey.

1) Interview people who have been with a guru. Watch out for those who say that their guru is the only true guru. There are many great gurus out there, it is more about finding the one for you.

2) Ask about the guru, what they have learned from them and what kind of meditation practice is involved. Oftentimes we get multiple mentions of a person's name within a few weeks of one another. Those can be good prompts to pay attention to that particular meditation type, or that particular guru.

3) A true guru will be sharing wisdom that will benefit you spiritually. When they talk about right and wrong they are not telling you that you will be punished for your wrongs and sent to heaven for your good deeds. They are showing you the aspects of your life that benefit you spiritually and the ones that are detrimental to your progress.

4) Most importantly, listen to your intuition. If something doesn't feel right, sit with it and have an inner dialogue. It may be the voice of fear speaking, or it may be the voice of discernment. Through this process you can learn to trust yourself a little more!

5) As you evolve on your path, be mindful of giving your power away to authorities who claim they are the only way. There are many paths to walk. Devotion to a guru is asked for in most traditions and that is good. But always be aware of when you are being asked to comply with something that does not sit right with you.

In India they say: "You get the guru you deserve." Be discerning in your engagement with a man or woman who professes to be a guru. Look to see that their actions match their teachings.