Simple Breathing Meditation

If you have never meditated before, or given any thought to your breathing, then it is highly advisable that you focus on this basic meditation before preceding to any other type. In fact, if you like it, you can simply aim to increase the amount of time that you sit in this kind of meditation.

1) Sit in the correct position for meditation, as described earlier.

2) Close your eyes and just be aware of any excess tension in your body.

3) Begin to take deep breaths in and out. Become a watcher of your breathing, you are not attempting to control it in any way.

4) You may notice thoughts streaming through your mind. Don't judge them, don't beat yourself up for them. Allow them to simply pass through. As your thoughts begin to wander simply refocus your mind upon your breath.

5) Be thankful for each and every breath as it moves in and out of your body. How often do we take the time to express gratitude for our breathing? Not too often. Simply appreciate the breaths as they move in and out of your body.

6) When your timer goes off, take a couple more deep breaths in and out and slowly open your eyes.

Relish in that feeling of relaxation and see how much you can consciously bring it in to your life today. Share your experiences with me.