How Your New Digital Filing Cabinet Works

Now that you have decided to move forward with a digital filing cabinet approach, you now need to put them in a place where they can be accessible by everyone who needs them and make them easy to find.

Use simple to understand naming conventions and consult your common sense when it comes to folders and sub-folders. If you were looking for a document, where would it make sense to look? Perhaps consulting with you co-workers on what would work best for them is a good plan of action. It is important to realize that the way you file documents may be different than the way your co-worker files documents which almost certainly will be different than the complicated file and folder structure that the enterprise may need. You will need a solution or a combination of solutions that support all of those requirements.

This is also the ideal time to talk to your IT department. If security and privacy are a big concern for the type of business your company deals in, you'll want to make sure you choose a solution that meets that. In most cases, the IT team will design a fairly complicated secure file and folder structure to meet the needs of the business. Where does that leave you when you go to find a document? Simple answer is "Confused" and it can take a long time to find that document. Learn how SavvyDox allows you to set up a Personal Content Management system on your desktop that is synchronized to that IT infrastructure. You store documents in folders that make sense to you. You can find them within 3 mouse clicks every time! Replace "minutes to find a file" with "seconds to find a file" and enjoy the productivity impact in your department.

In this section, we'll look at where exactly your digital file cabinet "lives" and open your eyes to a really cool technology that can make finding documents easier than every before.