Post Launch

After the launch hype has begun to slow down, there are a few things you can do to keep sales going. It's easy to forget about following up with customers, and re-engaging them once a sale has been made, but the reality is paying customers are your best advocates, especially if they feel valued.

You can find some examples below.

Follow Up With Your Users

As an author, we encourage you to reach out to your readers and create a direct relationship with them. Through the "People" tab in the Guide Admin Dashboard, you're able to directly reach out to users individually, or all at once. This is a great way to remind reader of updated content, and even provide them with links to great discussions happening within your Guide. Comments in the discussion area can also be a very powerful way to re-engage passive readers.

Imagine how powerful it would be to get an amazing Guide for a problem you wanted to fix right away, and then have the author personally contact you a few days later to see how things were going? That type of relationship between customers and publishers no longer occurs on the internet.

Following up with your users is critical in maintaining a relationship with your audience, which will then entice people to leave better reviews, and share your content over social media.

Keep The Content Fresh

One of the biggest advantages to the Guides platform is that you can continue to update your content as things change, or as people ask you questions in the comments area.

Be sure to plan regular updates to your Guide to keep everything relevant, keep readers engaged, and to remain on the minds of your audience. The hardest thing to maintain in the content world these days is readers. It's easy to lose them, but it's very, very difficult to attract new readers. Making sure your new readers are engaged, and happy with what you've provided is a sure fire way to maintain them as customers.

Provide Webinars

Webinars, Skype calls, and Google Hangouts are all fantastic ways to engage with your audience. Getting on a group video chat with a your readers is a great way to provide additional insights on your content topics, as well as answer questions directly from your audience. This is a great way to put the personal back into the traditional publishing paradigm.

In addition to educating your readers, promoting a new webinar is a great way to boost sales of your Guide. The process can attract new customers to your content, and in a much more engaging format than linking around the internet, hoping for clicks ever will.