- Smokefree.gov - Includes many
helpful stop smoking tips and resources, including a step-by-step
guide to quitting and free Smokefree Apps you can download.
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
- Your First Step to Change: Smoking
- Self-change toolkit helps smokers learn about their addiction and
take steps to overcome it. (The Division on Addictions, Cambridge
Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School)
- Guide to Quitting Smoking -
Ways to improve your chances of quitting smoking and dealing with
both the mental and physical addiction. (American Cancer
- Helpful Hints to Kick the
Smoking Habit - Provides advice on how to successfully quit
smoking. Includes a list of smoke-free suggestions. (University of
Maryland Medical Center)
- Quit Meter - Calculate how much
extra money you'll have after quitting. (quitmeter.org)
- Quit Smoking with
Acupuncture - How acupuncture can reduce cravings and alleviate
withdrawal symptoms to help you quit smoking. (Acupuncture Referral
Service Acufinder.com)