They also very clearly lay out the responsibilities and rights of each party. Realtors have a team of lawyers in each state providing them with legal contracts and disclosures that keep pace with the times.
Some legal forms are available to purchase at office supply stores. For example, OfficeMax carries a brand of legal forms called Adams. I have not used them but at a glance they look very basic.
U.S. Legal Forms Inc. offers a Residential Sales Package, which they say includes the disclosures an owner-seller needs as well.
You want to use the forms made for your state as requirements change significantly state to state. U.S. Legal Forms offers state specific packages. Pictured above is the California package. Some of the for sale by owner websites include forms in their marketing packages.
There are also free forms, but as they say: "You get what you pay for." Mistakes in buying or selling a property can be devastatingly expensive. Believe me, I know first hand. It's worth having the protection of established contracts and disclosures.