Create Your First Post

Now you have several options to create your very first post for your blog. Here, you can begin writing a post, share a photo or video, type a famous quote or link to something that you want to share.

You also have the option to preview the post before you share it. Or you can cancel the post if you change your mind.

Below are examples of what the next screen will look like after you select each of the 5 post options.

1. Text post option. Here, you can simply begin writing a post. Enter the title of your post in the Title bar and start writing!

2. Photo post option. Say cheese! Upload a photo in the Photo section and then title it and write a brief description to share.

3. Video post option. Love Youtube? Here, you can upload a video you want to share.

4. Quote post option. "To be or not to be." Perhaps you have a quote you want to share to inspire the world.

5. Link post option. The web is so interconnected and people love to discover new things online. Link to something that interests you and want others to learn about too.