Energy Savings

The bigger the energy needs, the bigger the system and the more you pay. As a designer you should take the time to educate the customer to energy efficiency. Users should understand that making small change to the way they use energy could make the difference to the size of the solar system they need. New Picture (1).png

Energy efficiency allows reducing energy consumption without affecting comfort.

Energy is power over time. Acting on power or time will equally result on lower energy consumption. Switching appliances when they are not in use is the simplest way of reducing usage time.

Moreover, TV's, DVD players, computers, stereo and game consoles still use energy in standby more. It is advisable to use a power board. It supplies electricity to multiple appliances and has the advantage of allowing to switch them all off from one location.

It is also advisable to track phantom loads by unplugging chargers and adapters when not in use.

Sensors are suitable for commanding lights in low occupancy locations. With a sensor, you are sure that the light is on only when there is a presence. Toilets and corridor lighting are particularly indicated for sensors.

We have been talking of reducing usage time. If you want to reduce power demand, the first thing to look at it is light.

Consider retrofitting options: you have the opportunity to change old incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps; you can also change CFL to LED.

Fridges and freezer perform more efficiently when temperature is settled between 4 to 5 degrees Celsius for fridges and between -15 and -18 for freezers. Also, they should be kept in a cool, well ventilated spot away from the oven and the sun. Additionally, it is advisable to keep a five-centimeter gap around.

The washing machine and dryer should be used on full load only. Additionally, wherever possible, it is advisable to use a clothesline instead of a dryer.

Last but not least, always consider using a solar water heater.