Including Extra Resources In A Page

If you're creating a Guide where it's pertinent to include files, and other resources, to your readers, you're in luck. Guides creators can added additional resources to Pages by using the "Resource" widget below.

Long story short, "Resources" are other filetypes that you need to include in a Guide, including PDFs, PPTs, DOC, XLS, amongst others. When building your Guide, you should consider including as many pertinent resources as possible within your Guide. Resources can make a good Guide great, and a worthwhile investment for many readers.

Steps For Adding A Resource

  1. Click on the 'Resource' button underneath the content editor box within a Page or Section.
  2. Insert a Title
  3. Insert a quick description of what the file attachment is, and why it's beneficial to download.
  4. Then click the button labelled "Click Here To Select A File"
  5. Navigate to the file you wish to include in your Guide.
  6. Click "Add File"
  7. Double check that you're attaching the right file to your Guide.

We've also built functionality into the "Resource" widget that will let Guide authors add multiple resources within a Page or Section. Simple repeat the steps outlined above to attach a second, third, or even fourth resource to a page.

Steps For Removing A Resource

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the content editor box,
  2. find the section labelled "Resources",
  3. click the orange circle with an "X" inside of it. Save your content.

It may look like the resource is still attached to your page after deleting the section; however, it's deleted. Refreshing the page, after hitting save, will reveal that the section is removed from your Page or Section.