Linking To Other Resources

It wouldn't be the World Wide Web without links between websites, resources, and services. Crediting resources for their work is something we highly recommend doing within your Guides. Providing a link to services you mention, content you wish to disseminate, or videos and images you've included in your content is something you should get into the habit of doing.

We've built plenty of tools for linking both internally to content you've created in a Guide, and externally to content around the internet.

Linking Internally To Other Pages, Sections Of Your Guide.

All content sections within a Guide have the WYSIWYG editing bar (it's black, and hovers as you scroll through your content). In that bar, there exists a "Link" tool to help you link to content. You can use it to both link, and unlink text within your Guide:

  1. Select the text you wish to link (or unlink),
  2. Click the link icon,
  3. Select Link (or unlink if you wish to remove a link),
  4. From the drop-down menu, select the Section or Page you wish to use as the end-point for your link.
  5. Click "Insert".

Note: Do not remove, or edit, the URL or text that is auto-generated in this situation.

Linking Externally From Your Guide

It's pretty easy to add a link to an outside resource for your Guide:

  1. Select the text you wish to link (or unlink),
  2. Click the link icon,
  3. Select Link (or unlink if you wish to remove a link),
  4. Ignore the dropdown menu (unlike above), and paste the URL you want to use for your link into the URL field.
  5. Click "Insert".

Be sure to add as many links as possible to any helpful blog posts, websites, tools, and resources your readers may find interesting. Links are an easy way to add utility to a Guide.