Why Guides.co?

At Guides.co, we're changing the way content is created, published, discovered, and consumed. There are plenty of benefits to using Guides.co for your content needs, but we would like to take a moment and focus in on three of the most important aspects you should consider before using Guides.

1. Connect With Your Fans And Build An Audience

Unlike other publishing platforms, Guides.co connects you directly with your readers / viewers. Studies have shown that ongoing, collaborative participation between readers and content producers increases engagement levels, and also helps to increase information retention.

Guides provides you with the tools you need to connect in a personal way:

  • Get real-time comments, questions, and feedback
  • Detailed reports on your readers including their contact information and what they've viewed
  • Update guides in real-time (no need to wait or create "editions")
  • Push notifications when you make changes

In short, you get instant feedback on your content and readers discover your most passionate readers in a very personable way.

2. A Much Better Reading Experience

Unlike most traditional content technologies (PDFs), Guides offer content producers -- and readers -- a rich multimedia experience. With Guides you can embed videos, interactive widgets, audio snippets, and other downloadable content from directly within a Guide.

Also included in each Guide is a Notes section, where readers can make notes on content as they read through the material. Readers can also bookmark important content sections for revisiting at a later date.

The Guides format really encourages readers to lean in and participate with authors, and the entire Guide community.

3. Complete Control Over Pricing And The Publishing Process

At Guides.co we're rebuilding the entire publishing process from the ground up. We've built a tool that gives content producers complete control over their content from pricing through to promoting their work. This kind of flexibility is unparalleled in the industry today.

On Pricing

Content producers now have a place to publish their work and take home all their earnings. At Guides.co we DO NOT take a percentage of sales like other platforms online. After bank transaction fees are deducted from a sale (5%), 100 percent of all revenue goes to you.

We know it takes a lot of work to create great content and we believe that content creators should get paid -- in full -- for their hard work.

The pricing schedule can vary over time. Want to pre-release your content and crowdsource edits, or gather comments on your work before publishing it in full? You can offer your Guide for free. Want to offer a final version, after the content has been flushed out and edited? Change the pricing from free to whatever rate you desire.

The decision is yours, and only yours to make.

On The Publishing Process

From content creations to distributions, Guides.co offers a comprehensive publishing platform for all of your content creation needs. There are no middle-men to determine content release schedules, how updates are handled, or what kind of direct access is available to readers.

The ethos of "Publish or Perish" is very real online today. Guides gives content producers the ability to not only publish a body of work once, but also refine that product over time, and provide immediate updates to readers.

Authors can immediately invite their followers into content and get feedback on how to make it better, before it's even considered a "finished product". They can make changes, at anytime. The entire publishing process is now back in your hands, as content producers.

Today, there are no comparable alternatives online. We're building the first all encompassing, re-imagined content publishing tool from top to bottom. You can figure out who is consuming your content, build your fan base, and then market to them all in one place. At Guides.co, we want you to create an engaging, multimedia experience, that also gives you complete control over the publishing process.