Categorizing Your Guides

Managing the library of content within your Guides site is quite simple. From the site builder dashboard, you can manage your content (add, remove, copy) directly.

Managing Your Content

Click the Manage Content button.

Within the 'content' section of the Guide dashboard, administrators are able to organize the content within the site, and then determine which documents are published, and which are offline. Additionally, administrators can categorize their Guides into sections that will be accessible from the Site.

Configure Categories

While this step is optional, we highly recommend configuring your content categories. In the beginning, your Guide content may be small in numbers, but as you continue to develop your Guides, readers can quickly be overwhelmed by the quantity of content displayed on the page. Helping them break that content down into categories is a fantastic way to let readers filter the documents, and find what they're looking for in an efficient manner.

To get started, click the 'Create new category' button in the top-left corner of the page.

The button should become highlighted (a blue halo). Once that happens, you can type your category name directly into the box, and then hit the return key to commit your category.

Removing A Category Site-Wide

To remove a category, go through the following steps:

  1. In the 'My Categories' section of your dashboard, click on the category you wish to remove.
  2. Next to the category title, click the orange '(delete)' link.

Removing a category Will Not delete the Guides. Instead, the delete link will remove the association between the category and the Guide.

Adding A Guide To A Particular Category

Guides can be added to a single category, or several categories at once. In some cases, a particular document may pertain to both an 'Operations Manual' category, as well as an 'Employee Training' category.

To add a Guide to a category:

  1. Mouse over the Guide you wish to categorize.
  2. Click the orange 'Add' link underneath the 'Category' label.
  3. Click the category you wish to assign to a Guide.

If you wish to add a Guide to a second category, simply repeat the steps above and select a secondary category.

Removing A Guide From A Category

If you wish to remove a Guide from a particular category, mouseover the Guide and then click the blue 'x' icon. The category will be removed, and unassociated with the particular Guide.