
Thank you for reading! What's the next step?

In this mini-guide we've covered what it takes to write exceptional content for the web.

You writing good stuff is only the beginning. For something to get noticed on the web, you can't depend on people finding you. You need amplification.

good content x amplifications = bigger audience

That's the idea behind my course: Amplification. Learn how to take a good piece of content, and get noticed by thousands of readers. This includes the tricks and weird secrets I've only discovered through experimentation. I also reveal my traffic numbers!

You can use these tactics to:

  • Promote yourself as a writer, speaker, or authority
  • Build a mailing list for future product launches
  • Increase traffic to your corporate blog
  • Write compelling landing pages that attract visitors (and sales)

The course includes:

  • A PDF eBook with all my stats, lessons, and step-by-step instructions
  • The Hacker News Handbook eBook
  • A video walkthrough of the lessons
  • Worksheets
  • Bonus resources

You can order the course now and get $10 off