Completing Part 1 - Modules 0-2

Once you have signed up for the course, the first part of the requirement is to complete Module 0, Module 1, and Module 2. To preview all of the Modules in the course: from the "Dashboard", click on "Learnings Pathways", select the Insulation learning pathway, and then click on "Courses" at the top.

You can see your progress in the "Learning Pathways" section.

After completing Modules 0-2, you have two options:

  • If you plan to complete the entire training course at once, you can simply continue on to Module 3. You will be able to download a final certificate of completion when all the Modules are complete.
  • If your company admin has requested that you complete the training in two parts, at this point you can download a certificate of completion to submit to your company admin. From the "Dashboard", click on "Completed Courses". Under Module 2, click on the "Certificate" button to download a certificate of completion for Part 1 (Modules 0-2).